We have all heard it before: all things are connected.
Biologist Ramona de Graaf will be connecting beach sand and gravel to Pacific salmon, great blue herons, and killer whales on Tuesday, Jan. 21. The presentation, sponsored by the Cowichan Valley Naturalists, begins at 7:30 at the Freshwater Ecocentre at 1080 Wharncliffe Rd. in Duncan.
These three well-known species are some of the hundreds of predators that feed on the "forage fishes" of the sea. Marine shore spawners face an uncertain future in British Columbia. The Cowichan Valley Naturalists host two free public presentations each month. The next program will be about the birds of Paraguay with naturalist Val George at 9:30 a.m. Feb. 17. Then Kai Rietzel will cover some of the exciting programs of the Cowichan Land Trust at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 18. Both events will be at the Freshwater Ecocentre.
To learn more about the Cowichan Valley Naturalists, visit www.naturecowichan.net, email cvns@naturecowichan.net, or call 250-746-6141.