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Special Woodstock big Cowichan Valley hit

Special Woodstock celebrated its 15th annual day of musical magic for special people Sunday, Aug. 17 with a huge crowd enjoying the unique festival at Providence Farm.

Shelley Vaags, who combined the role of cheerleader and emcee for the event, was back again with a super lineup of acts to make the Islands stage area one of the happiest places on Vancouver Island. Vaags was thrilled, thanking everyone who either helped or attended the event.

"It isn't me who is amazing; it is an amazing Island community and a hard working team of volunteers. I can't take much of the credit at all. I just had a fun idea that worked when everyone added their talents," she said.

And there was lots of talent on show. From professional entertainers like Rick Scott and the McCandless Family Band on the big stage getting everyone up and moving to the music, to special performers like the astonishingly talented Sky Mundell, it was a moving way to spend the day.

Mundell, who is blind, deaf, autistic and who is also dealing with cerebral palsy, is a piano player par excellence who has shared a stage in Las Vegas with Michael Bolton.

In the Rose Garden behind the main building, there was the chance to enjoy a quieter moment, having tea and listening to singers like Glaucia Ayers Desrochers whose rendition of We Are Family got the crowd clapping happily under the trees in the orchard.