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MMBC is hurting local recycling

Mill Bay - Re: Contracting out - continuing disgust Further to my letter March 17 to Bill Routley, on contracting out to Ontario, it would appear our fears are now being realized.

Notice from the CVRD with the following: Not accepted: Crinkly cellophane wrap Kitchen wrap, or plastic wraps for meats Zipper lock bags Plastic shipping envelopes Plastic bags labelled biodegradable laminated plastic packaging Plastic bubble wrap Lumber wrap Snack bagsGarbage bags - all colours.With the new blue bins, we all thought the purpose was to encourage residents to recycle more responsibly, but at the top of the notice was the comment for all the above, locally, we now have to take them to a variety of remote locations which locally is Bings Creek!To add insult to injury, and to avoid the long trip from Mill Bay, I took one bag of glass bottles to Fisher Road Recycling for which they charged me $5! But we are already paying for this service, or at least I thought we were?I believe that if the CVRD thinks the public is going all the way out to these remote areas with the price of gas as it is,just to place a plastic bag of the aforementioned items, they are sadly mistaken.Already we are seeing serious dumping since they took away all the public bins.The trash will, in any case, still have to be examined at the depot to reject non-recyclable material, but surely that's what we've been paying for all this time - until of course we were forcibly married to the MMBC?"If it ain't broke, why fix it?" I fear the next move will be to announce a price rise because of "unforeseen costs".Paul Watkins Mill Bay