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Video, website changes suggested for Cowichan school board

The new school board is going to be looking at a clutch of new ideas as it starts its four-year term.

Trustee Rob Hutchins would like his colleagues to look again at the idea of holding meetings during the summer months.

These have only been on an as-needed basis in the past.

Trustee Elizabeth Croft wants the school district to look into the possibility of presenting board meetings on video, saying that she thought the board of education would reach a much larger audience if it could be seen remotely.

Vice-chair Barb DeGroot asked if district techs could make the Cowichan Valley School District website a bit more user friendly, especially for people that are looking for the agendas for the board meetings.

A simple link off the main page that would direct interested people straight to the agenda would be helpful, she explained, especially for those new to the website.

Croft also added that she'd like to see more searchability on the website.

Board chair Candace Spilsbury added that she hopes to see the publishing of a document full of board meetings highlights re-established as well, and for it to be available to a wider footprint in the community.