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Phyllis Popham

June 5, 2015

On June 5, 2015, Phyllis passed away peacefully, having lived a long and happy life with her husband of 67 years - Clarke, their three daughters Audrey, Nancy, and Sandra, eight grandchildren and a growing number of great-grandchildren - 7 at last count,

Born in Winnipeg, raised in Steinbach, Phyllis married Clarke and raised their family. After the girls were all in school, she attended Manitoba Teachers College and taught at St. George School in St. Vital for 14 years. She also taught Driver Ed and Young Drivers of Canada. She was an active member in Regent’s Park United church and later St. Vital United church, and sang tenor with Sweet Adelines. One of the original cottagers at Moose Lake, Phyllis faced challenges - alone with her girls until Clarke joined them for the weekend. She enjoyed curling, sailing, and together with Clarke, started the Manitoba Avon Collectors Club, and operated the Bell and Anchor Marina in Kenora, Ont. On retiring, they travelled around the country and the UK in various RV”s in search of the elusive Avon collectible.

In 1981, Clarke and Phyllis moved out West, first to Birch Bay, then Langley, and then Duncan, where they became active in the United Church, the Valley Seniors, the Arthritis Society, and the Hospital Auxillary. Phyllis was the cheerful, smiling face with poppies in November and the Christmas Kettle in December. They both sang with the Seniors Choir and volunteered at HATS, at the hospital, and at Cairnsmore reading to residents.

Phyllis was a caring person who happily volunteered to make the world a better place.

The family would like to thank the staff at the Cowichan District Hospital for their compassionate care.

A celebration of life will be held at Duncan United Church, on June 12, 2015 at 2:00 pm. Instead of flowers, a donation to the MS Society would be appreciated.

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