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Canada is a battleground for an equally extreme left and right

Canada is a battleground for an equally extreme left and right

Canada is a battleground for an equally extreme left and right

I am dismayed by the forced polarization of Canada. A case in point is the ongoing truck protests. People debate deploying the military onto the streets of our cities. Have we not progressed beyond the North West rebellions, Winnipeg General Strike, FLQ Crisis, and Oka?

Are we unable to even speak with those holding opposing views without civil unrest? Conservatives, do you truly see the alt-right fringe as worthy allies? Will you allow them to speak for you and hijack your protests, intimidating the same citizens you hope will support you?

Progressives, were you as quick to call for the use of armed force in the cases where environmental, economic or racial protesters were also responsible for property damage, violence and intimidation? Canada has always been a country of the middle.

Must we allow our country to turn into a battleground for an equally extreme left and right?

James Atkinson
