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Climate alarmists blissfully ignorant of globalist agenda

Our children are being socially engineered to be lemmings for the New World Order.

Climate alarmists blissfully ignorant of globalist agenda

Our children are being socially engineered to be lemmings for the New World Order.

From reading Encyclopedia Britannica and National Geographic, David Slade concludes, “We need to do better than blissful ignorance on climate change” because “it’s not a myth, a hoax or a conspiracy.” If he had bothered to check, he would have found that both publications are owned by the six big multinational conglomerates that control the majority of media outlets in the world. Hardly “unbiased resources” as all of them get their talking points, word for word, from just two newswire agencies, which are controlled by the same powerful entities who also control the global central banking system.

It’s true, as he says “that most would consider (NASA and Environment Canada) to be trustworthy sources of current scientific knowledge” but unfortunately that’s a big part of the problem. It seems that so many intelligent, thoughtful people have a persistent blind spot that keeps them in denial of the globalists’ conspiracy to enslave humanity, and so they continue to blindly trust that “official” scientific authorities actually care about the future of our children and grandchildren.

Mr. Slade complains that, “many people in our valley and across Canada vote for people and parties who prefer to ignore the warnings.” Perhaps this is because more and more people are getting fed up with politicians who surrender our national sovereignty to the unelected, unaccountable, United Nations. We need leaders who have the brains and the guts to represent Canada as they were elected to do, not follow the dictates of the globalist oligarchs whom we did not vote for.

If Slade really cared, really wanted to know and took the time to research independent alternative news sources, he would find that CO2 is being demonized for a political agenda. The IPCC and other globalist organizations falsely blame critical environmental problems such as global warming, water scarcity, pollution, and biodiversity loss on the average person. Fear and guilt over our “carbon footprints” is being used to gain our acceptance of their 21st century agenda of totalitarian world government. But you can bet your last petrodollar that the wealthy ruling class won’t be losing any sleep over their own carbon footprints.

And, if Slade had done his homework, he would know that the petition of 11,000 scientists has already been debunked as a hoax. Amongst it’s signatories are such notable academics as “Mickey Mouse” and “Professor Dumbledore.” I don’t for a minute believe that it’s our carbon emissions that are causing the suffering and death of people all over the world from climate related disasters such as storms, fire, flood, drought, famine and rising sea levels. I appreciate that ignorance is bliss, but while we remain blissfully ignorant of the globalists’ depopulation agenda, our children are being socially engineered to be lemmings for the New World Order.

David Work

Lake Cowichan

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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