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CVRD putting cart before horse with AAP

I have no objections to Alternative Approval Process (AAP) if it wasn’t done in such an underhanded way.

Re: Don’t throw out babies with AAP bathwater

Further to your subject view in Friday’s Oct. 30, Citizen, I have no objections to Alternative Approval Process (AAP) if it wasn’t done in such an underhanded way.

At a recent meeting in Lake Cowichan it came to light that the Bylaw 3918, “The future of flood management”, is not to improve the dikes under the jurisdiction of either Duncan or North Cowichan, but instead will be used to have a study done to determine how to prevent future flooding. The CVRD staff, at this time, does not know what needs to be done or if permission can be obtained, from the various governments, to do the remedial work in the Cowichan River.

The CVRD administration is putting the cart before the horse with this bylaw. I propose that Bylaw 3918 be withdrawn forthwith and that an amended bylaw with a one-time only charge of $2.65 per $100,000 of net taxable value of the properties in the affected area be put forth instead.

Use these funds to do the study, or have the study done, and after finding out what needs to be done and, after approval is obtained from the various governments (federal and provincial), and interested parties (native tribes), do a cost calculation and go back to the electorate with a referendum in the 2018 election.


Hubert Crevels

Lake Cowichan

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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