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Government just paying lip service to environment

David Suzuki writes that we should push the prime minister into action on climate change. Well good luck with that one.

Re: Federal environmental policy.

David Suzuki writes that we should push the prime minister into action on climate change. Well good luck with that one.

Like all politicians our government is just giving lip service to the problem.

Our politicians have grown up with an infinite belief in technology and a love of the internal combustion engine. So much so, that they have underfunded the light and heavy rail systems, and have in too many cases been responsible for the destruction of this mode of transport.

Whilst Canada produces less than two per cent of global emissions we can, and probably should, lead the way in promoting a cleaner environment. We need a change in our political mindset to achieve this.

In an email to me dated March 7, 2016 the Hon. Marc Garneau P.C. stated “Canada is committed to fighting climate change and supporting a transition to a low-carbon and climate resilient economy.” He then referred to the action plan on aviation emissions.

Canada is using 2005 emission levels as their base for carbon emissions. Canada’s Action Plan of 2014 references 2005 and refers to the ICAO.

Which is strange since the aviation industry is expected to quadruple during the same time period, 2005-2050. The worldwide emissions in 2005 were 400 megatons, which will become 1,600 megatons by 2050. (Advances in engine design may lessen this). However, the stated goal of the ICAO and thus Canada, is to reduce 2050 levels to 50 per cent of 2005 levels, i.e. 200 megatons.

Unless Icarus makes a comeback these goals are not attainable.

Given the rhetoric of the federal Liberals during the election campaign it was expected that the budget chapter on the environment would actually contain meaningful programs on emissions reduction. Anyone who reads this document will be disappointed.

The following statement can be found in the environment chapter.

“CelluFuel is developing a technology to create synthetic, renewable diesel fuel from woody biomass.”

They should have read the article Louise Gray Environment Correspondent Daily Telegraph wrote on April 22, 2010, which stated in part, “But a new report commissioned in Brussels found some biofuels can lead to four times more carbon....” Enough said on that one!

The federal minister for the environment has stated that the carbon tax was an efficient way of
reducing carbon emissions. A look at the figures from Stats Can tend to prove the opposite!

If the carbon tax worked, should not these figures be going down?


Ian Kimm
