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Governments responsible for high gas prices

What easier source of revenue can be got than the oil patch bonanza; charge what the traffic will bear. Why not?

I read in your letters to the editor, one by K. Beaumont, who wonders about gas prices. As I mentioned in a previous letter to you, federal and provincial governments have for years found out places that they tap for the little extra reserve cash that they need in emergencies that they themselves have created!

What easier source of revenue can be got than the oil patch bonanza; charge what the traffic will bear. Why not?

I’m sure the oil companies would just love to continually cream off the easy loot that the government take for granted is theirs. Our B.C. government is no different. They own the banks of Hydro, ICBC — what more can I say?

Although an honourable mention should go to the service clubs that they have destroyed by taking the last nickel plus the “legalized gambling” that is a product of their own making. The facts speak for themselves; thank you K. Beaumont for keeping this on the hot plate.


G. Manners

Cowichan Bay