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Letter: Changes proposed signs fo healthy democracy

Seeking to right past wrongs and injustices inflicted by both Conservative and Liberal governments

Changes proposed signs fo healthy democracy

On Harper’s nihilism in Canada, Vancouver Sun, July 30.

Mr. Harper:

As most Canadians will recall, while your government held a huge majority in Canada’s parliament you proceeded to do a number of undemocratic things. The main one being the proroguing of parliament every time you didn’t want to discuss serious, pernicious matters concerning the nation that your government had proposed, and didn’t want debated at length.

Change in any democratic society done for the benefit of all in that society, and not only for the few (e.g. corporations, big banks, and the wealthiest one per cent, which you Conservatives toady to) is a good thing.

The changes which some proposed, your so-called nihilists, are signs of a healthy democracy seeking to right past wrongs and injustices inflicted by both Conservative and Liberal governments.

Positive change is what happens in a democracy in order to maintain its equilibrium, for the health and wellbeing of all who choose to live in it, not just the wealthy one per cent.

Some would say you don’t, can’t, or simply refuse to grasp this, or maybe you do and don’t want meaningful changes being made in government, i.e. proportional representation versus first past the post in our electoral system.

A. Child

Lake Cowichan