People with disabilities live in government imposed poverty
This is an open letter to Premier David Eby, Finance Minister Katrine Conroy and Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction Sheila Malcolmson.
Today’s announcement of a $125/month increase to the “shelter” portion of Disability Income Support for the 107,000-plus Persons With Disabilities (PWD) living in B.C. is once again a slap in the face to the very people who continue to suffer every single day in government imposed poverty!
It validates the stigma that disabled Canadians are considered to be useless, a drain on society and worthy of less than poverty level (adequate) support!
Not mere months ago, this province (your government) was celebrating billions in surpluses while continuing the oppressive colonial practice of legislated poverty of our disabled and disregarded!
Shame on you, BC NDP, for showing once again how little respect you have for some of the most vulnerable citizens in our communities. How much value you continue to place in profits, exploitation of resources and constant fixation of worker productivity for the sole benefit of corporations and the elite.
Until every single disabled British Columbian is financially supported at a level equal and tied to the official poverty level of Canada (LICO Table) you and your government will continue to fail in basic morality and convention!
W. Jeff Leggat
Disability Action of Canada