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Letter: Price and value

We have a slim opportunity as a community to tentatively begin the restoration of our violated lands

Price and value

While my friends and neighbours in the forest industry know the price of logs on the Vancouver Log Market or current provincial stumpage rates, precious few understand the value of forests. Some of these folks are registered professional foresters, but sadly they have abrogated their responsibility as forest guardians and stewards.

Evidence for this betrayal of the public trust is all about us. Vancouver Island’s forest ecosystems are imperilled on both private and Crown lands. Cowichan’s remnant Coastal Douglas-fir forests — one of Canada’s most at-risk forest ecosystems — are now endangered and of national conservation concern. Even Premier Eby now describes the state of provincial forests as “exhausted.”

We have a slim opportunity as a community to tentatively begin the restoration of our violated lands. We can demonstrate that recovery of primary, full-spectrum ecosystems is a tenable proposition. What is more, we can show that by rebuilding the integrity of these forest lands our community will be healthier and wealthier into the future. Now that would be a true measure of forest value!

Roger Wiles

North Cowichan

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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