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Mills provide us with things we need

Much has recently been said about the Crofton mill and pollution.

Much has recently been said about the Crofton mill and pollution.

Beside providing jobs for many of our neighbours they also provide another service which is never mentioned in the articles or letters: Crofton, and other mills which also pollute, make available to us many products that we use and need. Imagine you talk to a contractor and he says: “Sorry, can’t build your house, there are no 2x4s. The mill’s shut down because they don’t want to pollute anymore”. Or, you would not be able to read a paper, like this one, because there is no paper. Or, you go to the Superstore to a specific aisle and find a sign: “Due to paper mills shutting down so there is no pollution we do not have any toilet paper. We suggest to look for an alternative.”

How about not driving your car so much; it pollutes, too.


Wolfgang Lehwald

Mill Bay