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Respect everyone’s right to enjoy beach

An open letter to all dog owners who disregard the leash bylaw at the local beaches.

An open letter to all dog owners who disregard the leash bylaw at the local beaches.

It seems every time I take my family to enjoy some time at our beautiful beaches in the Cowichan Valley our visit is hijacked by off-leash dogs.

I have two young children that love the beach, they love to run, play and build sandcastles and do all the things that children should at the beach. Unfortunately my daughter was mauled by an off-leash dog when she was two years old (at the beach). This led to an understandable fear of dogs. I know most of the owners will say their dogs are friendly and just want to give us a kiss — sorry I don’t know your dog, nor do I want them shaking beach water, drool and whatever else they have rolled in on me or my kids.

The unwanted deposits that are left for people to step in and smell are very unpleasant as well. Please respect the bylaw and keep your dogs on leash and pick up your poop at our beaches and parks so everyone can enjoy them.

If you must take your dog off leash I believe there are a few dog parks that are meant for this purpose in the Valley. I am sure I am not the only non-pet-owning taxpayer in the Valley that has this opinion.


Nathan Craycroft

Cobble Hill