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Trudeau shouldn’t get a pass in groping incident

The wonder is that he got away with it at all.

Trudeau shouldn’t get a pass in groping incident

Your readers might be interested to know that a recent Angus Reid Poll indicated that 33 per cent of Canadians have had their opinion of prime minister Justin Trudeau negatively affected by the recent infamous “groping incident” revealed in the past few months.

The wonder is that he got away with it at all. In response, our national leader said that he had “reflected on the incident” and there was no need for further action. This is a curious reaction from one who continuously refers to himself as a “feminist” and has stated that all women involved in such incidents should be believed.

Since the woman involved confirmed that the incident occurred, shouldn’t she be believed as well? Apparently not. The PM has not apologized, not strongly confirmed that the incident occurred and that he is regretfu,l and not said that he bears any strong responsibility for what happened.

What it may tell us is that while others can be removed from office, have their lives torn apart, and be vilified by the liberal press Justin Trudeau has a pass. The incident was minimized nicely by the CBC and other outlets who seem to often carry water for the PMO But the fact remains, the incident most likely occurred, since the victim confirmed it, and the PM has a lot to answer for.

There can’t be two systems of justice, one for poor shucks without status and another for “cute” tousle haired darlings of the liberal press. That’s not fair. The prime minister should have paid a higher price for this incident. He isn’t above common decency and the law.

Perry Foster
