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Unrealistic to expect pets in an apartment

Re: ‘Pet pooches make finding a home difficult’ (Citizen, April 8)

Re: ‘Pet pooches make finding a home difficult’ (Citizen, April 8)

While I might sympathize with an individual like Dana Bowman, she’s being unrealistic about having pets in an apartment.

I’d like to have many things in an apartment, but like here I don’t have the funds to rent a more suitable space such as a basement suite.

As for pets, I’d have to think about the cost in food and health care for them. Even if they were nice milking goats.  A problem is the many dog owners out there who don’t properly train their animals and don’t exercise them enough. Another problem is B.C.’s improper rental laws, which make it difficult to remove renters who don’t act responsibly.


Keith Sketchley
