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We need a ferry at Cowichan Bay

Move the terminal and existing pilings from the Crofton dock and cancel the run to Vesuvius Bay.

We need a ferry at Cowichan Bay

If the BC Ferry Corp. had half a brain, they’d realize it’s time for a new terminal in Cowichan Bay.

Better yet, just move the terminal and existing pilings from the Crofton dock and cancel the run to Vesuvius Bay. Two separate terminals for a little pipsqueak of an Island? With only 1,000 residents? Ridiculous. Meanwhile the masses here have zero options, and that’s as stupid as the so-called Malahat improvement project!

A commuter route to Swartz Bay would be heavily used, and gives us locals another option other than hopping on a bloody bus! You’d be there in 20 minutes, too. Bring it here now! It should have been here a decade ago!

Jeff Stacey
