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Without God, no man

Canada is built on a Christian foundation and you are entitled to your belief and opinions, but then don’t knock others

Re: “Without man, no god”, (Citizen, Jan. 11)

In response to the letter from Mr. Best, published in the Jan. 11 issue of the Citizen, first and foremost I confess I am a Christian and Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, and once again I find myself facing the fact that it is OK to disallow our children to pray or bring our bibles to school, but it’s OK to allow other beliefs to allow theirs.

Canada is built on a Christian foundation and it is true that we have freedom of speech and you are entitled to your belief and opinions, but then don’t knock others, as we also have our rights. I once said to someone that believes the way you do that just supposing you are right, then I have at least lived a good life and have lost nothing, but should the Christian be right, then people who don’t believe have eternal life to lose.

By the way God and science go hand in hand.

May God bless you in 2017.


Joy Becvar

Lake Cowichan