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Sarah Simpson Column: Duncan Dairy Queen’s Mr. Nice takes the cake

Sarah Simpson Column: Duncan Dairy Queen’s Mr. Nice takes the cake

I made a terrible mistake last Friday. I sat down and read the comments people leave under the Citizen ’s Facebook posts. Technically it wasn’t a mistake. It’s sometimes part of my job to weed out inappropriate content. But also I was curious about what was on people’s minds these days. I gotta tell ya, the exercise very nearly ruined my morning. People are mean. They’re angry. They only see the bad in things. They think everybody has an ulterior motive.
Sarah Simpson column: This story had my brain buzzing

Sarah Simpson column: This story had my brain buzzing

My son is around the same age and would not have been so calm.
Sarah Simpson Column: New fan beats the heat and catches the children

Sarah Simpson Column: New fan beats the heat and catches the children

So, the summer heat seems to have arrived for good.
Sarah Simpson Column: Happy to live in a pizza-loving agricultural region

Sarah Simpson Column: Happy to live in a pizza-loving agricultural region

Being a reporter allows me to do some pretty cool things, too.
Sarah Simpson column: Daddy Day yields clean lawnmower, unexpected guest

Sarah Simpson column: Daddy Day yields clean lawnmower, unexpected guest

Hello again. I’m back this week with another column about my family; specifically another “Daddy Day” story. The last one saw my husband take our kids into town to pay a parking ticket and then they wound up on a field-trip-like tour of City Hall. You never really know what the kids and their dad will get up to on Daddy Days. It usually ends up being messy, costing money, involving treats, or any combination of the three. It always ends up being a fun adventure with a story to tell.
Sarah Simpson column: ‘A Farmyard Christmas Pagaent’ delights and inspires

Sarah Simpson column: ‘A Farmyard Christmas Pagaent’ delights and inspires

I don’t know if Donna knows about my Christmas book mould debacle from last year
Sarah Simpson Column: Some traditions are meant to be continued

Sarah Simpson Column: Some traditions are meant to be continued

The quote board stays with the house!
Sarah Simpson Column: Sticks and stones will burst our pockets…

Sarah Simpson Column: Sticks and stones will burst our pockets…

Over the weekend my family of four joined my mom and step-dad for one last hike before they left the Island and their summer holidays behind for another year.
Sarah Simpson column: Lizard at large, war medals found

Sarah Simpson column: Lizard at large, war medals found

Remember that column I wrote last month about my husband being a loser? I stand by every word. But something that happened recently reminded me that he’s not just a fantastic loser – he’s also a really talented finder.
Sarah Simpson column: A bird in the bush worth two in the stove?

Sarah Simpson column: A bird in the bush worth two in the stove?

Today’s topic is animals and Facebook.