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Cat provisions in bylaw need second look

When local governments enact legislation, they always do it with the best of intentions.

Thank you for making tragedy a little easier

Their tireless, endless and difficult efforts have allowed us to begin closure on the tragic event that has befallen us.

Do the afflictions of the few determine policy?

I use a woodstove to primarily heat my house, does that make me ignorant or inconsiderate? I hope not.

Written word still best communication device

Signals are not always reliable and you can miss things on TV and other electronic gizmos but papers hang around

Shawnigan air; it’s different here

One has to read the article to understand that there are too many grey areas in these statements to actually make a change.

Christmas lights and Earth Hour

Is this Cowichan Valley Citizen, that is promoting the frivolous plastering of Christmas lights the same one?

Going after woodstoves in clean air quest unfair

It appears the CVRD is gathering comments from only those who have interests in air quality.

Abruptly stopping food to cats is cruelty

Many, if not most, of the homeless cats being fed in the City of Duncan have already been fixed and vaccinated by CCR

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The main problem with the lack of elector response to an alternate approval bylaw is that people are too easily distracted.
B.C. VIEWS: Inconvenient truths of climate change

B.C. VIEWS: Inconvenient truths of climate change

Justin Trudeau declared climate hero for showing up, best case greenhouse gas scenario is a tiny temperature reduction by 2100